Christmas Unicorn Birthday Party

Christmas Unicorn Birthday Party
Ardene Christmas Unicorn Dress

I threw myself a Christmas Unicorn Birthday Party even though I am in my thirties. Being a December baby can suck. It is cold, the snow makes it difficult to go out on the town and everyone is super busy and broke. With the weather, lines and restaurant availability it is sometimes a challenge to plan a celebration. For the last little while I’ve opted to have a get-together at home to make things easier. The advantage to this is the ability to have a theme party!

I’ve always wanted to have a unicorn themed birthday party (yes, I’m an adult). But with a Christmas tree up I felt that would ruin the theme. Ugly Christmas sweater parties are popular and I remember seeing a gawdy ugly Christmas sweater with Santa riding a unicorn and thought “that is it! Let’s combine them!” Thus this year was my “Christmas Unicorn Birthday Party!”

Toronto living is small, so I tried to bring subtle unicorn details to the space. The party incorporated several DIYs – which I’ll do blog posts for at a later time 🙂 See below for how I decorated for the party.

Unicorn Party Details

Some simple rules to create a unicorn party are:

  1. Incorporate unicorns (duh!) in the decor and food where you can.
  2. You don’t have to be obvious and make everything a unicorn. For example the rainbow sour belts and rainbow candy canes are on theme and aren’t in the unicorn shape.
  3. Use colour, rainbows and glitter.
  4. Choose one or two focal pieces to create the theme. For me this was the cake and balloons. After those obvious pieces the theme will be apparent.

Unicorn Christmas Tree

Unicorn Christmas Tree
Unicorn Christmas Ornament

First, the Unicorn Christmas tree! I’ve had this Charlie Brown looking pink tree for years. I usually decorate it in black and silver and make it my punk rock Christmas tree – but this year it transformed into my unicorn tree. I made the unicorn decorations – I adapted my version from several online tutorials. I love how they turned out – to my friends this is what you are all getting for a present this year!

Unicorn Dessert Table & Sparkle Prosecco

Unicorn Party Dessert Table

The pièce de résistance was the unicorn cake. I was so excited; I always wanted to have one! I gently encouraged my boyfriend to get me one (i.e. I gave him the bakery and all my specifications). The details on the mane were so colourful and pretty – it must have been so much work. It was also nut-free (which is essential) and dairy-free and tasted amazing! I got it from Cakes By Robert a nut-free bakery in Toronto.

Unicorn Cake Mane

I also made unicorn shaped sugar cookies. Geez…cookies are hard to ice and decorate – if you can’t tell, this is the first time I’ve tried this. I think I may try taking a class; realizing I may fail at this craft hurt my ego. I also added rainbow sour belts to the table and rainbow candy canes in a unicorn mug. The gold cakestand holds orange pomegranate bread with a Santa knife, I needed to add some Christmas to the table.

Sparkle champange is a favourite party DIY of mine. I sprayed a prosecco bottle sparkle rainbow purple. Unicorns would of course only drink from a sparkly bottle. The bottle is simple to make and make an event special. But of course glitter will get everywhere.

Unicorn Sugar Cookies

Unicorn Balloons

When my sister came over with these balloons I nearly lost my mind. They are amazing and were beyond my expectations. The base of the balloons were a star – so freakin’ cute!

Unicorn Balloons
Unicorn Birthday Party
Unicorn Dessert Table and Balloons

Unicorn Outfit Theme

I told my guests “The theme is Christmas Unicorn. Wear whatever that means to you: an ugly Xmas sweater, sparkles, rainbow!” and found the most perfect ‘ugly’ Christmas sweater dress at Ardene’s that incorporated unicorns and I knew it was perfect as soon as I saw it.  See more outfit pictures on Unicorn Ugly Xmas Dress post.

Unicorn Christmas Dress

I ate cake for breakfast for days after this celebration!

Unicorn Dessert


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