Make a DIY Christmas Wreath from Dollar Store Ornaments

Make a DIY Christmas Wreath from Dollar Store Ornaments
Rainbow Dollar Store Wreath

I’ve made more than one DIY Christmas wreath in the past, but this one has been on my list for awhile. This tutorial will show you how to turn a basic dollar store Christmas wreath into a glam version – that looks way more expensive.

After a trip to Dollarama; I had the needed supplies to get started. You can also do this after Christmas with nicer on sale ornaments! I made two versions of this wreath, a classic red and silver version I gifted to my godmother and a rainbow one for my front door. You’ll need a lot of ornaments – I used around 70 of various sizes for the wreath. I’m estimating the wreath cost around $30-$40 to make.

Wreath Supplies

Dollar Store Wreath Supplies
  • Dollar store wreath form (you’re going to use the plastic form underneath)
  • Assorted plastic ornaments (multiple sizes)
  • Glue gun and glue
  • Embellishment to fill in spaces (use the green trim you removed)

Christmas Wreath Instructions

  1. Decide on a colour scheme when you buy the ornaments. The red and silver one mostly sticks to that theme with some sporatic green and gold ornaments. The rainbow one is channeling my inner unicorn.
  2. Remove tinsel from wreath form, unravel it from plastic base.
  3. Start gluing the bigger ornaments on the inner circle of the wreath form. You don’t have to do a pattern, but mix it up so all the reds or silvers aren’t beside one another.
  4. Continue to glue the larger ornaments on the outer circle.
  5. Glue the larger ornaments and begin to fill the spaces with smaller or medium-sized ornaments.
  6. When most of the space is fill weave the tinsel you removed in between the balls to fill in the gaps. This is to make the wreath fuller.
  7. Continue to embellish the wreath until you have the desired effect.

In Progress

wreath in progress

No one will believe this is a dollar store Christmas wreath when you hang it on the door. For other Christmas wreath ideas see my post for a DIY Candy Christmas Wreath and a similar ornament wreath.

Red and Silver Dollar Store Wreath

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